2024 Redistricting
The responsibility of the City Clerk is to record all official actions of the city council, protect and maintain city records and archives, conduct impartial Municipal Elections, and provide services to the citizens, elected officials, city departments and outside organizations in a professional manner. The City Clerk also acts as the treasurer for the Police & Firefighter Retirement Plan.
In addition, the City Clerk is the custodian of city records, which include city ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, and council minutes. Requests for city records should be forwarded to the City Clerk using the City of Anniston Public Records Request Form.
The City Clerk also assists with our various boards. If you are interested in serving your city, please complete a City of Anniston Board Application and submit it to: sbass@annistonal.gov
Lastly, our City Clerk is responsible for all city elections. This includes finding poll workers, providing citizens with voting information, as well as helping candidates learn what they need to do in order to qualify for office.
For election information, please follow the portal below to our Local Elections Page:
Contact Information
City Clerk’s Office | 1129 Noble Street, Anniston, AL 36201
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2168
Anniston, AL 36202-2168
Skylar Bass, City Clerk
Phone: 256-231-7710
Fax: 256-231-7632
The Code of Ordinances of the City of Anniston is hosted online at Municode. The site is updated annually. For recent ordinances, contact the City Clerk or check back here.
Q. Information on birth and death certificates.
A. Call the Calhoun County Health Department at 256-237-4324 or the State of Alabama Health Department at 334-206-5418.
Q. Information on traffic fines, court dates and warrants.
A. This function is performed by the Anniston Muncipal Court. 256-231-7615 or 256-231-7617.
Q. Information on deeds.
A. Call the Calhoun County Tax Assessor’s office at 256-241-2855.
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