2024 Redistricting

Evaluation & Maintenance of Existing Roadway Network

There are approximately 200 miles of roadways that the City must maintain and service. The engineering department is responsible for evaluating and classifying all the roads within the city limits of Anniston. The roads are classified according to Federal Highway Association (FHWA) functional classification guidelines (arterials, collectors, or local). The roads are also evaluated for Level of Service (LOS) to determine the condition of the road network. Along with the classification and LOS requirements, the material of road (tar and gravel, asphalt, or concrete) is also recorded and factors into the paving schedule. The paving list of the Capital Improvements Projects comes from those road sections with lowest LOS that will serve the greatest number of vehicles traveled. If you would like your street evaluated for re-surfacing, please contact the Engineering Department at 256-231-7620, Ext. 245.

Certain streets that are classified as arterials or collectors are eligible for maintenance or resurfacing within the Calhoun County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).

The City of Anniston participates in the Calhoun County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Street resurfacing, signal upgrades, safety improvements, culvert and bridge replacements are all eligible projects on collector and arterial roadways. The city partners with Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) with a 20/80 match to fund these projects in accordance with ALDOT guidelines (city pays 20% of funding costs and ALDOT funds remaining 80% of the costs).

You may request a work order for repairs on municipal roads through our work order portal.


City of Anniston Engineering Department
P.O. Box 2168
Anniston, AL 36202


Branton Cole
City of Anniston Engineer

Phone: 256-231-7620, Ext. 245

Fax: (256) 231-7748

Email: bcole@annistonal.gov


Mark Wilson | Engineering

Phone: 256-231-7620

Fax: 256-231-7748

Email: mwilson@annistonal.gov