2024 Redistricting
Q. Who do I call about hooking up a sewer, turning on my water, or a water line problem?
A. Call the Anniston Water Works & Sewer Board at 256-236-3429.
Q. Can I place temporary signs or banners near the road?
A. Temporary signs and banners are not permitted on the City or State Right of Ways (ROW). To find out where the ROW is you can call our Engineering Division at 256-231-7750.
Q. Who do I call with questions about the Eastern or Western Bypass project?
A. ALDOT (Alabama Department of Transportation) local office at 256-820-3131.
Q. Who do I call about a street light out or one that turns on & off during the night?
A. Call the Electrical Division at 256-231-7742 to report it.
Q. Who do I call to report a traffic light out?
A. To report it call the Electrical Division at 256-231-7742 if it is during office hours 8am to 5pm, otherwise call the Anniston Police Department at 256-238-1800.
Q. The turn arrow does not seem to be working, why does it not change for me?
A. The sensor that activates the turn arrow is normally at or before the stop bar. If you have pulled past the stop bar to make the turn, then the traffic signal believes that you have already made your turn and it drops the call for the turn arrow to come on. There are some sensors that are about 30 feet back from the stop bar and then it will take about three cars before the turn arrow is activated.
Q. The traffic signal turns yellow before I have a chance to get across the intersection. Why does it change so fast?
A. Many traffic signals operate fully actuated. This means there are sensors in all directions of the intersection. The amount of green time depends on the number of vehicles. The more vehicles, the longer the green will time out. If only one vehicle, then the minimum amount of green will time out and then service the other directions of travel.
Q. What is a ROW/R.O.W.?
A. A ROW/R.O.W. (Rights-of-Way) is a strip of property to be used for streets, sidewalk, drainage, and utilities for the general public’s use. Residential ROW and commercial ROW have the street being as near the center of this ROW as possible. If you have any questions about your ROW call the Engineering Division at 256-231-7750.
Q. What is the R.O.W. for my street or a particular street?
A. Residential ROW and commercial ROW have the street being as near the center of this ROW as possible and can vary from street to street. If you have any questions about your ROW call the Engineering Division at 256-231-7750.
Q. Am I inside the City limits? Inside the P.J./Police Jurisdiction?
A. If you have any questions about whether or not you are inside the City limits and/or the police jurisdiction call the Engineering Division at 256-231-7750.
Q. Who do I talk to about a missed pick up of household garbage or a problem?
A. Republic Services is responsible for the overseeing of missed pick-ups & cart problems.
Q. I am a new resident and I don’t have a garbage cart. How do I get a cart?
A. Contact Republic Services.
Q. Who do I call about my garbage bill?
A. Contact Republic Services.
Q. I have an Anniston address, but live in Calhoun County, who do I call about my garbage?
A. Advanced Disposal at 1-800-333-7736.
Q. Who do I call about a pothole in the road?
A. Call the Street Division at 256-231-7746 to report it.
Q. What does the City pick up as far as brush and junk items?
A. The City only picks-up debris (defined as: Any loose natural material consisting especially of trees, limbs, & grass).
A. For more information, see the City Ordinance for details or call the Street Division at 256-231-7746 .
Q. What am I supposed to do with my leaves once they are raked?
A. Bagging leaves, after raking them, is the fastest way to ensure they are picked up soon by the Street Department team.
Q. My street sign is missing or damaged, how do I get it replaced or fixed?
A. Call the Street Division at 256-231-7746 .
Q. Which cemeteries are owned by the City of Anniston?
A. Edgemont and Hillside Cemeteries.
Q. How do I get information on purchasing a burial lot?
A. You can contact Reggie Lewis at: 256-419-4833 or 256-419-3606 (Office: 256-231-7746).
Q. Can you tell me where a loved one is buried?
A. Yes, the cemetery has records to assist you with locating where a loved one is buried, call Reggie Lewis at: 256-419-4833 or 256-419-3606 (Office: 256-231-7746). Please have the following information available to assist you with locating them: the full name of the person you are looking for, their date of death, and if you know the name of the last person previously buried at that lot.
Q. Can I cut down a tree in my front yard near the road?
A. The cutting of trees that are on the City’s ROW property by a citizen or tree service is strictly prohibited, this is handled by our Tree Division. If you are unsure please call us at 256-231-7746 .
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